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Thursday, January 06, 2011

Why go the herbal route?

In the age of modern medicine, herbal remedies are often seen by many as archaic mumbo jumbo. But one must realise that up until the twentieth century, humans relied almost entirely on plants to treat every type of disease.

The paths of herbalism and science-based medicine really began diverging in the sixteenth century, but in the early nineteenth century, scientists learned how to isolate chemicals from plants and modern medicine claimed superiority over herbal remedies.

Today, there is a herbal revival. Health conscious people are seeking alternatives to over-the-counter medicines. Herbal toothpastes and herbal beauty products line the shelves, while complimentary health shops and alternative health workers are flourishing.

Many people who are dissatisfied with the declining efficacy of antibiotics have gone back to herbal remedies and ancient medicinal wisdom. Most herbs are safe and don't have the side effects of conventional medicines. Many medical doctors have found that herbal remedies can indeed compliment conventional treatments.


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